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Chicken Soup For The Mother`s Soul by Jack Canfield

Chicken Soup For The Mother`s Soul by Jack Canfield

Regular price Rs. 180.00
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पृथ्वीतलावरच्या आपल्या पहिल्यावहिल्या श्वासापासून आपल्या सोबत असणारी व्यक्ती म्हणजे आई... आणि त्यानंतर आयुष्यानं कशीही वळणं घेतली तरी सदैव त्याच भूमिकेत आपली प्रत्यक्षअप्रत्यक्ष सोबत करणारी व्यक्ती म्हणजेही आईच. आई या विलक्षण शब्दाभोवती गुंफलेल्या या कथा स्थळ, काळ साNया भेदांपलीकडे जाऊन आईच्या त्याच वात्सल्याचा स्पर्श घडवतात. फक्त आणि फक्त प्रेम, माया, आस्था, जिव्हाळा, जपणूक या आणि अशाच भावभावनांचे रेशीमधागे गुंफणाया या कथा, साध्या साध्या प्रसंगातून अतिशय लोभस भावनेचं दर्शन घडवत आपल्याला आपल्या आईची आठवण करून देतात.
Whether you have a child of your own, or are a mother by way of marriage or adoption, you know that no other experience awakens your full capacity to love and be loved like being a mother. Continuing the Chicken Soup tradition, this longawaited volume celebrates the innumerable joys and challenges of motherhood. From relishing a baby`s first steps, to worrying as he ventures out on his own, from watching with pride as your child blossoms, to being her most ardent supporter as she faces hardship, no other vocation is all at once so challenging yet so rewarding. Written by mothers grandmothers, daughters, sons and husbands, each story reveals truelife lessons that will make you laugh, shed a few tears, and offer you comfort and encouragement.
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