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Khade Ani Orkhade by D.M.MIRASDAR

Khade Ani Orkhade by D.M.MIRASDAR

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राजकारण हे काही मिरासदारांचे क्षेत्र नाही. दैनंदिन राजकारणाशीही त्यांचा संबंध नाही. दैनंदिन वृत्तपत्रे वाचून आणि क्वचित प्रसंगी राजकीय नेत्यांची भाषणे ऐकून सामान्य माणसाला जे काही राजकारणाचे ज्ञान होते, तेवढेच त्यांचे ज्ञान आहे; पण पिंड विनोदी लेखकाचा आहे. माणूस नावाच्या प्राण्याबद्दल प्रचंड कुतूहल आहे. राजकारणातील माणसाकडेही याच कुतूहलाने ते पाहतात. त्यामुळे या क्षेत्रातल्या अनेक प्रकारच्या विसंगती आणि हास्यकारक घटना, वक्तव्ये याकडे त्यांचे लक्ष जाते. त्यातूनच या स्वरूपाच्या लेखनाचा किंवा टीकाटिप्पणीचा जन्म झाला. विडंबन, उपहास, अतिशयोक्ती, उपरोध या विनोदाच्या भात्यातील अस्त्रांचा वापर यात त्यांनी विपुलतेने केला आहे.
A pleasant change in the writings of DM. He is famous for his writing full of humour and satire; generally based on the rural life. He is a lover of mankind in general. Politics has never been his piece of cake. He never worked for any political party and was not involved in any politics in his daytoday life. He never found politics interesting. His interests were different. He resembled the common man, reading the daily newspaper and forming his opinions based on the articles it contained. But it is his nature, curious as always which made him sense the humour and controversy reflected by the political leaders. He was unknowingly captivated by the speeches of the politicians. His mind found the flaws and hullabaloo hidden in these speeches. This finally gave birth to the stories included under this title. Yet, he has stuck to his usual style. He has not commented any particular person. He has avoided it. All the articles included here are based on the then political situations and incidences. Yet, they are everfresh and even today do not fail to bring smile on our faces.
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