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Hubehub by D.M.MIRASDAR

Hubehub by D.M.MIRASDAR

Regular price Rs. 125.00
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‘हुबेहूब’ नक्कल करणाया बबनचे वास्तविक आयुष्यही नकलेसारखेच झाले... पोटाची खळगी भरण्यासाठी स्वार्थी माणसाने देवालाही ‘घाम’ फोडायला लावला... स्वत:च्या जिवापेक्षाही मुक्या जनावरांवर जिवापाड प्रेम करणारा तात्या म्हातारा... ‘तगई’साठी पैसे खाणाया प्रत्येक माणसाला जन्मभराची अद्दल घडविणारा अण्णा भागवत... ‘जेवणवेळ’ झाली की, लिंबाखाली बसणाया आबामुळे कितीतरी चांगल्या आणि वाईट गोष्टी घडल्या... केस कोणती अन् कशीही असू दे; दिगुअण्णा ‘साक्षीदार’ असले की, निकाल लागलाच म्हणून समजा... मानवी स्वभावाच्या अशा नाना कळा... अनुभवा द.मांच्या खुमासदार शैलीत!
Baban could mimic anyone perfectly (‘Hubehoob’), but finally his life itself became an imitation… This man in his selfishness, and struggle to have a square meal made God sweat (‘Ghaam’)! Meet Tatya mhatara who loved dumb animals with his heart, more than he loved his own life… Anna Bhagwat – the man who made it his mission to teach a lesson to every corrupt Revenue official (‘Tagai’) – a lesson he would never forget… Aba had a habit of spending his lunchtime (‘Jevanvel’) under the neem tree and he was responsible for a lot of incidents – both good, and bad… Whatever the merits or otherwise, of a case – if Diguanna was a witness (‘Sakshidaar’), a verdict was a certainty! Experience the vagaries, and variety of human nature in ‘Da Ma’s’ inimitable style!
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